Sunday, February 17, 2013

Getting Lost in My Backyard

Every day that the weather permits, I have planned to take advantage of the pool in my yard by doing my version of water aerobics.  I had done water aerobics for years at home, and should be able to remember some of the exercises.  I would do it earlier in the day, before the kids got home from school, and commandeered the pool.  I got to do it Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday of this week.  So far, so good.

Rich had ordered a new spa robe for me, to replace the one lost at the hotel.  It was scheduled to be delivered between 2 and 4 PM.  I left the pool to take my shower and eat my lunch.  Luckily, I smelled someone's lunch smells wafting down to me as I made my way back to my apartment, and I decided to eat first.  As I was preparing my lunch, the delivery man showed up - and it was just after noon.  I guess delivery times are not FIRM in Singapore.  Glad I didn't opt for my shower first!

Due to the early delivery, I opted to forego my shower until after I went to the grocery store.  It was pretty humid out, and I was certain I would get sweaty on my walk to the store and back.  As I headed out, I heard drums beating.  I crossed the bridge I usually cross to get to the store, and followed the drumbeats.  They led me to a parking garage down the road, where it appeared that a practice was just being completed.  I had my camera out, so that I could take pictures, but I was too late.  I continued up the road, turning where I thought the grocery store should be.  I saw new restaurants in my neighborhood that I didn't know were there - including a wine bar!  I was a bit befuddled when the grocery store didn't appear, and it took me a minute or two to recognize my surroundings, but I made it to the grocery store at last.

My excitement for the day wasn't over yet, though.  After collecting my groceries, and proceeding to the checkout, I realized midway through the checkout that I didn't have any way to pay for my groceries.  I may have mentioned that black is a bad luck color at Chinese New Year's Celebrations.  So, I took my big red purse to visit Michelle and her family on Tuesday, and had taken all of my important items out of my small black wristlet.  The wristlet is what I took with me to the store.  I had about $50, not nearly enough for my $150 in groceries.  I asked the cashier to stop the transaction, so I could go home and get my debit card.  Because there were many perishables in my cart, she asked how long it would be before my return.  I told her it should take 10 minutes at the most.  I ran home, got my debit card, and ran back.  I was really glad I hadn't taken a shower beforehand, because I definitely needed one afterward.

Since we had eaten out on Thursday evening, I decided to make dinner at home on Friday.  I had some minced chicken and minced pork that were past their "sell by dates".  I decided to try to see if I had learned any cooking techniques from Michelle, and her dad, George.  I sauteed some carrots, scallions, mushrooms, and garlic, then added the minced meats.  When they were no longer pink, I added some chicken broth.  Meanwhile, I prepared some jasmine rice in a rice cooker that Michelle had given to me.  As a precaution, I also prepared some frozen shrimp wantons with sesame sauce, if the meat tasted nasty.  I was very pleased with the results,  and Rich inhaled it!


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