Monday, September 16, 2013

Meeting with the "Friends of the Museums"

While perusing the paper, I had seen that there was an upcoming talk at the Asean Civilization Museum about Bali on Monday morning.  I had attended an author's talk there in May, and had greatly enjoyed it.  There seemed to be many ladies at these events who were close to my age.  I felt that this would be a good opportunity to meet new people, Singaporeans and ex-pats alike.

After arriving quite late for the program in May, I decided to allow plenty of time to get there on this day.  I was very glad that I did, because I discovered when I arrived that this wasn't just a lecture.  There were many tables set up to interest new members to join the "Friends of the Museums".  This was not unlike the first meeting of the Geneva Garden Club in September.  Get everybody geared up for the coming year by passing the sign-up sheets around!  There was a table to become a member, tables to interest you in the different museums, books for sale, tables to sign up for docent training, and tables to join study groups.  I was initially interested in joining a study group about Far Eastern Spices, until I read that each member has to host the group at her residence or community hall, with a 40 minute presentation, including power point, to discuss the spice of her choice, and serve food to the group representing that spice.  Each week you would attend a different member's spice presentation.  That seemed like a very big commitment for me!

The speaker was an American who has lived in the Far East for many years.  She has taken many trips to Bali, and has a small museum to Bali in her home.  She described the temples in each house, family complex, neighborhood, and village.  Apparently, every adult woman in Bali spends 40% of their time preparing offering to the gods, to ask for balance in their daily lives.  I don't understand how they can get any work done outside of the home if they have to devote so much of their time to the gods!

After the talk, I headed to the Penny Black Pub on the other side of the river from the museum.  This was the pub from which we had watched the St. Patrick's Day Parade.  They had great fish and chips, and I wanted to try them again.  I sat at a table on the dock near the river, but had to move into the middle of the outdoor seating area, because the skies opened up, and everybody on the outskirts was getting soaked!  Unfortunately, the fish and chips weren't as good as I remembered them to be.  Maybe it was because I wasn't enjoying them with a Guinness.

As I had done in May, I headed to Arab St. to finish off the day.  When I was there in May, I had found great bracelets made of wood and wooden beads, as well as crocheted bead bracelets.  My family and friends loved these bracelets,  When Rich had gone back to get more before he had come home in June, he was unable to find the same bracelets.  I wanted to look for these right away, so I would have more gifts for home.  When I got to A'Niz, they had no jewelry in sight.  I don't know if it was right before Ramadan, but they couldn't tell me where to go to get this type of jewelry.  I guess I'll just keep searching....


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