Wednesday, February 20, 2013

We're Ready to Entertain!

Tuesday was the BIG day that our dining table and 6 chairs would arrive between 2 and 4 PM.  Before it came, I needed to do some cleaning, move some things around, and do my version of water aerobics.  As I was washing dishes (by hand - no dishwasher), the phone rang.  The complex manager was going to bring up the deck man to look at our hot tub deck in about 15 minutes.  I had a bunch of recycling to take down to the B1 level, but wasn't sure if I had time, so I just continued washing dishes.  I would have had time, as they didn't show up for at least 1/2 hour.

The deck man said that the deck had been previously redone.  That's why we can see a layer of rotting wood under the top layer of wood.  He sees where there is a bit of springiness in a 2-3 foot section; right near the steps to enter the hot tub.  However, they are still very supportive, and if we feel as if they are getting worse, we should call right away.  So I'll keep my cellphone nearby when I enter the hot tub, so that when I fall through the deck, I can call for help!  The complex manager said that she would bring the hot tub contractor up at 3 PM.  I said that would be perfect, as I was waiting for my new table to be delivered at that time.

At 3:45 PM, the dining room table and chairs arrived. It took 2 men to bring it in.  I don't have any door stops, so I had to stand in the kitchen and hold the door to the apartment open.  It was funny, because one man was in charge, and the other was "boy".  The man in charge took my check for the balance.  He told me there was no rush to write the check, because "boy" still had to bring up 6 chairs.  When "boy" brought up the chairs, the man unwrapped them and brought them into the apartment.  The man was also in charge of all paperwork.  I would HATE to work in that team - especially if I was "boy".

I have pictures of the new table.  Rich has asked every day if I had put the pictures of the new table onto the blog.  I guess he LOVES his new table.  He says that he will pay to get this shipped back home when we leave.  (He better check shipping prices first!)  Anyway, now we are thisclose to being ready to entertain guests.  I am going to buy some white wine and some Bailey's, check on Ben and Michelle's food preferences and availability, and try to begin to repay them for all of their kindness.  I think their boys could have great fun in the pool here, too.

The complex manager and the hot tub man showed up just as the furniture man and "boy" were leaving.  The hot tub man said that the jacuzzi had its fiberglass previously resealed.  The places where we thought it was cracked were actually where it had been resealed.  The discoloration was because the sealant couldn't match the previous color.  He also pointed out that a crane would have to be used to remove the old hot tub and install a new hot tub on our 10th floor deck.  He told me that the controls wouldn't work during the hour that the water gets revitalized each day.  I wasn't aware that this occurred.  He checked the control panel, and it happens between 10 and 11 AM each day.  That is when the sun shines on my deck, and the workers will definitely be working on the Holiday Inn being built across the street - unless it's pouring, so I don't want to use the hot tub at that time!  Anyway, another waste of time.  Why is it that every time that the complex manager shows up, it's a waste of my time?

The good news was that it was only 4:30 PM, and Rich had a dinner again that evening.  I went over to the furniture mall to do some more exploring.  Both times I had gone previously, I had noticed an embroidering stand right near the entrance.  They said they might be able to embroider my new robes that Rich had gotten me to replace the one that was lost at the hotel.  When I brought my white waffle and white terry cloth robes to her, she said she could embroider both, and have them done in about 1/2 hour!  Yeah, yeah, yeah!

The Table.  Can you see the grain?

The Table and Rich-sized chairs.

The Table with a runner, candles, lucky bamboo, napkins, and pads on the chairs.

My waffle and terry robes with the "D Crown".
While I waited, I checked out some shops.  The $2 store was much smaller than the one Michelle had taken me to, but still very fun.  The Body Shop type store was also very fun.  The clothing stores were not fun, though.  I couldn't find anything to fit.  Oh well, I was planning on a major clothing expedition on Wednesday!


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