Wednesday, April 10, 2013

A Concert at Singapore Botanic Gardens - Finally!

Sunday was another overcast day, in which it seemed as if the skies could open at any time.  However, there was a concert at the Botanic Gardens, and I was taking Michelle's sister, Denise's advice: "Ignore the weather forecast.  It's going to rain every day.  Just get a rain poncho, and do whatever you planned to do!"  So, while Rich worked on taxes, I went over to Liang Court, to the $2 store, and got us each a rain poncho.  (For adult sizes, they were actually $3!)  I had also gotten a mat at IKEA earlier in the week, that was colorful and waterproof.  Because the concert was scheduled for 5-7 PM, I prepared as much of dinner as I could in advance.  I washed and poked my baking potatoes, and put them into the microwave.  I got the electric grill down, and set it up, lining the needed spices up next to it.  I thawed the steaks.  Dinner was ready to go.

While Rich was still working on taxes, I prepared the rolly cart.  I put in cheese, crackers, water, wine beer, a cutting board, a cheese slicer, glasses, water bottles, 2 ponchos, wipes, and a blanket.  In my purse, I had 2 umbrellas, my bus pass, my house key, my phones, money, and my camera.  I carried the waterproof mat.  I felt that I was ready for any contingency!  However, I was not prepared for my bus pass not to work!  No matter how many times I put it up to the scanner, it wouldn't read.  I had just put additional money onto it on Wednesday afternoon!  I ended up having to pay cash.  As I got the change out of my wallet, I dropped money and credit cards all over the bus floor.  Rich had already taken the rolly cart back to the handicap area, and was unaware of my plight.  Luckily, another young man who had entered the bus with us and his girlfriend was my good Samaritan.  He helped me retrieve my lost items from all over the bus floor!  (In talking to Ben and Michelle later, they told me that my card probably got demagnetized.  I could just take it to a subway station, they could read the amount left on the card, and transfer it to a new card.  When I went to the subway station on Tuesday morning, the man in the ticket office told me I had to go to a larger station to have my card replaced.  As I didn't have time to stop at that time, I bought another transit card.  Once I get my old card replaced, I'll have a spare for Erin to use during her visit.)

Since this was our third visit to the Botanic Gardens, Rich and I are getting to be old pros!  We now know which bus to take, and where to get off.  We are also getting more familiar with the layout of the gardens.  We only had to check the locator (You are here *) maps several times, to make sure we were on the right track to get to the Shaw Foundation Stage.  We found a spot not too far from the stage, and hopefully not too close to the speakers, spread out our mat and blanket, and prepared for the concert.

The concert was fantastic!!!  The first band was called "City Swing", and it was made up of local musicians.  It reminded me of the University of Wisconsin Alumni Band; they were all people who had previously played with some type of band, had a love of music, lived in Singapore, and had the time to come practice with like minded people.  Rich said it made him wish he had brought his horn along with him!  They played a nice variety of music, including Cole Porter and Norah Jones.  Some of the songs had vocal accompaniment.  My favorite was their last piece; a medley from "The Blues Brothers".

The second band was from Belgium, and they were called "Interfak".  Apparently, one of their members had been part of the "City Swing" band while he lived in Singapore.  They had come to Singapore for a short stay, and this would be their last performance before they returned home.  As good as "City Swing" was, I think that "Interfak" was even a little better.  There was one female trumpet player who was phenomenal!  One of the sax players from "City Swing" said they had too much brass for his liking, though.  Rich agreed, in spirit.

After both bands had performed, they got together and did several numbers as a combined band.  It was divine.  Even though Rich and I had made the mistake of planting ourselves on too much of an incline, and had throbbing butt muscles as a result, we were not leaving.  We stayed until they finished their finale at about 7:30, and were very happy that we did.  It was just a wonderful show.  And it was free.  I can't wait for the next show at the end of April when Erin is here.  Next time we'll be smarter about where we sit, though!
"City Swing" is on the stage.  "Interfak" are all the people in black around the pond.

Pictures of the gardens and the crowd.

This guy has an "Old Milwaukee" shirt on.  Made me think of Rich's uncle and cousins.

"Interfak" on stage.  Took a picture of the trombone solo for Steve's family.

Rich, with the stage in the background.



At April 11, 2013 at 1:07 PM , Blogger Unknown said...

Glad that you got to enjoy a concert! It sounds like you guys had a really good time. I can tell you are super excited for Erin to come visit too because you keep talking about her in your posts. :) Say hi to her from us and I hope you have a great time together!


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