Sunday, February 24, 2013

Attending the Standard Chartered Chinese New Years Party

Upon arriving at the Customs House on Thursday evening, I realized that I would not bring shame upon my husband, and would not be responsible for bad luck coming to the financial community.  There were many women in black dresses!  Thank goodness!!!  I didn't want to be singled out as "The Bad Omen"!

Rain was threatening as we arrived, and in their haste to get us into the tent, both Rich and I got "spouse of the customer" wristbands.  Pretty funny!  We were met by an escort, who got us into the tent as quickly as possible.  Very shortly after we entered the tent, the skies opened up!  Workers were scrambling to get all of the closures secured.  Many people who came later either arrived wet, or endured long waits at bus or cab stands.

The theme of the evening was "A Reunion of Memories".  Inside the tent, there were Hawker Stalls that were the best at the time of the Founding of Singapore in 1965.  There was a famous female  entertainer, but I can't remember her name.  There was a Wizard walking around, giving out Gold Coins with chocolate inside.  There was a fortune teller, shoeshine boys, and a Chinese Calligrapher.

Rich went to get us some food, while I secured our table.  While I was waiting, I was approached by a very attractive woman, who asked if she could share our table.  I said, "Of course!", and am I glad I did!!  Her name is Juliana Noble, and she is originally from Brazil, but came to Singapore 5 years ago, after studying in Australia.  She works at Petrobras.  She was just delightful, and we shared stories of our journeys to get to Singapore.  She was also very knowledgable about the Best Hawker Stalls.

Rich brought back two things that looked like burritos, but had much different ingredients inside.  I know they start by spreading two types of sauce on the shell, and there is something crunchy (cabbage?), and slices of hard boiled eggs.  Rich had chili peppers in his, but none for me, because I am a spice baby.  Whatever was in them, they were quite tasty.  They also came with things that looked like mini muffins.  They set my mouth on fire!

It was then time for the Chinese New Year Traditions.  First they performed the Lion Dance.  This time, I made sure to take pictures, since the video was such a bust.  After that, they had the ceremonial tossing of the Yusheng, or Lo Hei, or Prosperity Salad.  It is a raw fish salad, in which every ingredient symbolizes some aspect of CNY Prosperity:
- Raw Fish symbolizes abundance and excess throughout the year,
- Lime is added to the fish, adding luck and auspicious value,
- Pepper dashed over, in the hope of attracting more money and valuables,
- Oil is poured out, circling the ingredients and encouraging money to flow in all directions,
- Carrots are added, indicating blessings of good luck,
- Shredded Green Radish symbolizes eternal youth,
- Shredded White Radish for prosperity in business and promotion at work,
At this point, the condiments were added:
- Peanut Crumbs are dusted on, symbolizing a household filled with gold and silver,
- Sesame Seeds for a flourishing business,
- Deep Fried Flour Crisps in the shape of Golden Pillows with wishes that literally the whole floor would be filled with gold.
After all the ingredients are assembled, with the wishes at each addition, the diners toss the mixture with chopsticks.  The height of the toss reflects the diner's growth in fortunes in the coming year, so people toss with gusto!*

The Lion Dance.  There are 2 men in that suit!

The downpour right after we arrived.

Juliana, getting her fortune told.

Juliana and Michele

The Marina Bay Sands.  The top looks like a ship on top of the 3 buildings.

Deb, with the Wizard.

Tossing the Lo Hei, or Yusheng, or Prosperity Salad.
Juliana told Rich about a beef noodle that is very tasty.  When Rich went to get some for the table, he ran into his coworker, Chung Kiat.  He joined us while I was photographing the Lo Hei.  He is a very kind, quiet gentleman.  He is also very knowledgeable about Hawker Stalls, and has promised to take Rich to the best ones near their office.

I saw a British couple in line to get the "burritos".  I was sure that Rich and I had met them before.  I accosted them as they left the line.  Their names are Nigel and Michele Spry, and he works for Cargill.  They didn't know me or Rich, or any of our friends in London, but they did know some of the Credit people who used to work with Rich at First Chicago/Bank One/Chase.  And they did know Juliana!  This is their 2nd time living in Singapore.  They've lived here 2 years now, after 13 years in Minnesota.  I joked that I had met them while visiting Rich's brother, Bob, and his family in Minnesota.  This was another fortuitous meeting.  We look forward to many more get-togethers with Juliana, Chung Kiat, Nigel and Michele!

With dinner over, it was time to visit some of the entertainers.  The men went to get their shoes shined, while the women went to get their fortunes told.  Apparently, what the fortune teller told Juliana and Michele was spot on.  Later, he told Rich's, and he nailed it!  For me, though, he was all wrong.  He has the person print their whole name, and then sign your signature.  Based upon that, he told me that I was a very good mother, but I don't allow my children to do things for themselves.  He also said that I'm very methodical, tending toward perfectionism.  Finally, he told me that I was too steeped in tradition, and needed to get outside the box, and try something new.  My new friends laughed, and asked if I told him that I had moved from Chicago to Singapore 3 weeks before.

We had some banners made in Chinese Calligraphy.  I asked for one about love, and he wrote "Love Everywhere".  I'm not quite sure how to take that!  We were beginning to turn into pumpkins, especially because Rich had to work the next day, so we headed home.  On our way out, we were given goody bags with 2 oranges, a $2 Snake coin, and a package with games from our childhood; marbles, a wind-up toy, a wooden spinning top, a glider, a paper ball, and capteh (a feather thing that you keep airborne with your feet or other parts of your body - but not your hands.)  It was a very nice end to a very nice evening!!    



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