Thursday, February 7, 2013

Getting our Pictures and Thumbprints Taken for Identification Cards

Tuesday was our big day to go to our interview to turn in our paperwork, get our pictures taken, and get our thumbprints taken for our Identification Cards.  This would open the doors of Singapore for us. We would be able to get cell phones.  I could join the IKEA Family Program in Singapore.  I could join the loyalty program at our local grocery store, etc.  But our appointment wasn't scheduled 'til 12:30, so Rich headed to work, and I attempted to get things done around the apartment.

We have an apartment sized stacked washer and dryer.  I wanted to wash some of my new purchases before we used them.  So, I had bought laundry detergent and softener.  I didn't see dryer sheets at the grocery store.  My grocery store caters to a lot of expats, so if they didn't have it, I'm thinking it's something they don't use here.  I loaded up the washer, filled the detergent compartments, read the picture instructions, and attempted to turn it on.  Nothing!  The complex manager had said that if the washer didn't work, let her know, and they would get us a new one.  So, I had that in the back of my mind, but I wasn't willing to give up yet.

I left the laundry room, and attempted to tweak my blog, to get the format to look the way I wanted it to look.  Our internet connection isn't as fast as the one we have at home yet, so every time I tried to watch a tutorial, it said the page couldn't be found.  Whenever I made changes, my posts would disappear for 10-15 minutes at a time.  During those interims, I would revisit the washer, and test a new theory on the machine, trying to get it to work.  After a long ride on the struggle bus, between the washer and my blog, I decided to try the dryer to see if it worked.  It didn't work either.  Next to the plug on the wall, there was a switch.  Whenever you plug something in, you have to turn the switch on to get power to it.  It appeared as if the washer/dryer switch may need to be turned on.  However, it was way too high and far back for me.  Luckily, Rich returned home at this time.  Now, Rich is 6'5", and he could only turn on the plug by using a spatula to reach the switch!  Thank goodness he had come home early to walk with me to our interview.  It was only later that I realized that he had come home at that time so I could make lunch for him!

After lunch, we walked to the government office.  Upon arriving, you place the barcode of your paperwork into a machine, and it puts your name in the queue.  We waited in a very comfortable waiting area for our name to appear on the overhead screen.  When it was our turn, we met a very nice woman at the counter.  She checked our paperwork, then sent us next door for pictures, and told us to return to her.  We returned with our pictures, and she took electronic impressions of our thumbs.  It was all very quick and pleasant - nothing like the DMV at home!!  The only drawback was that our cards couldn't be picked up 'til Saturday.  Despite the fact that Saturday is Chinese New Year's Eve, she assured us that the office would be open from 8 AM 'til noon.  However, that may be the only place that will be opened.  We've been warned that Chinese New Year will cause widespread closures for the coming week or so.

That afternoon, I figured a trip to the pool in our complex.  It was very beautiful and relaxing.  I watched a (Parisian?) father play with his two children in the pool.  I decided that I would relax at the pool every afternoon, after I completed my errands.  Unfortunately, it has downpoured every afternoon since I made that decision!!


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