Friday, March 1, 2013

Another Try at Shopping

The Singapore Repertory Theatre is literally on the way to the grocery store.  Several weeks ago, we noticed a poster for a play that looked interesting.  Wednesday, I walked over to the box office to buy 2 tickets.  I could have ordered tickets online, but I noticed that you saved 10% with a StarHub account, and the box office is so close, that I walked over.  The play will only be here for 2 weeks, and we need Saturday tickets, due to Rich's work schedule, so I wanted to make sure to get those.  I got rained on on my way over, and the sun beat down upon me on my way back to my apartment, but, as George W. Bush would say, "Mission Accomplished!" (but mine really was accomplished!)

With the tickets off my list, I headed to Burgis Junction to give shopping another try.  I had read many reviews, and they said you could get almost anything at Burgis Junction.  Plus, there was an eclectic kind of city market, called Burgis Village, right nearby.  Finally, it was a straight shot up the bus line right outside our apartment complex, so everything was good!  My one tiny problem was that the bus website has not been as thorough in mapping out my route as it had been previously.  I don't know if it's due to user error, or if they changed the website.

I found my way to the mall without mishap.  When I came through the underpass, I entered the food court.  I had recently been reprimanded by my son, Joe, for not eating enough Singaporean food.  So, I walked around, looking for something interesting.  I decided upon a Tuna Puff.  It was like tuna in a croissant.  Unfortunately, it was more puff than tuna, and it had no discernible vegetables.  I noticed a "Subway" later, and wished I'd eaten there.  I could have had a tuna sandwich loaded with veggies!

After making sure to notice my entry location, I headed into the mall.  The way the malls are configured, you really have to be like Hansel and Gretl, and leave breadcrumbs behind to find your way out.  I went up to Ladies Fashion, ready to be shown blobs of cloth again.  But, that didn't happen!  I first asked a salesgirl if they had anything that would fit me, and she pointed to 4 tee shirts that would fit.  They looked like men's tees, but they were women's.  I didn't like them, but at least it was a start.  I headed into another area, and they actually had shirts in my size!  I tried on a bunch, and found 9 that I liked!  After I checked out, I saw another area that carried the gauzy type of shirts that many women wear here.  I found one in my size, and bought that, too.  10 shirts!  Yeah!!!

With that victory under my belt, I headed down the escalator, where a huge shoe sale was underway.  I looked and looked for shoes in my size, to no avail.  I even tried on several pairs, whose size was close, because they were sandals, and therefore, more forgiving, but my feet were hanging off.  Oh well, you can't have everything!

On my way out, I went back to the food court, and stopped at the grocery store.  I needed a few things for dinner, and this would save me from another trip to the grocery store near our apartment.  I also smelled some great garlic bread smells coming from a bread store in the food court.  I stopped and bought 2 pieces.  It was unusual to my taste, because it was garlicky but also sweet.  It was like they were supposed to put salt on, but put sugar on instead.  I'll have to remember that in the future.

I left the mall, and went to where I expected the bus stop to be.  There is a lot of construction right outside the mall, so it was a bit confusing.  I found what should be the right bus stop, but my bus number was not listed.  I went down to the next one.  Same problem.  Then I remembered that my bus heads back to my apartment on a different street, one or two streets over.  I headed in that direction.  I passed an elderly man with a pedal cab.  He asked if I needed a ride.  I was dripping, and definitely needed a ride, but I could not take one from that man, who was 15-20 years older than me.  He would be pedaling and pulling me along.  No, thank you!  

I finally found my bus stop.  Just as I was arriving, I noticed a man with a clipboard that asked "How Cool Are You?"  He took one look at me, and didn't come any closer!  After a brief bus ride, I dripped into my apartment, and stripped out of my wet clothes.  My shirt was so wet that it was still wet when I had Rich feel it the next day.  Yes, I am a Hall!  Luckily, this was the day that we were having the Johnsonville brats for dinner.  And I had gotten baked beans and buns at the grocery store when I stopped.  I did feel like Steve Martin in "Father of the Bride", though, because the buns came in packs of four.  We had 6 brats, so I either had to buy 2 packs, and possibly waste 2 buns, or buy 1 pack and have 2 more brats than buns.  I opted for the latter.  I was able to cool down and watch a movie before "firing up" the electric grill for dinner. 


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