Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Thwarted by Rain!

On Sunday, my whole day was geared toward going to the Botanic Garden.  When we had gone to the orchid sale, there was a banner advertising a Big/Swing Band Concert on Sunday from 5:30 'til 7 PM.  Going to Millennium Park in Chicago during the summer is one of my favorite pastimes.  Since Singapore is filled with parks, and it's summer all the time, I was really looking forward to bringing a bottle of wine, some beer for Rich, lots of water, and some cheese and crackers.  Rich and I had salads for lunch, and he went back to doing taxes.  I framed some pictures, and prepared dinner, so we could just throw it on the grill when we returned from the concert.  Rich LOVES to grill on Sunday evenings!

Just as I prepared to go take a shower at 3:30 PM, thunder started in the distance.  Looking out the windows, it looked as if the skies were about to open up.  We expected pelting rain at any moment.  As we didn't have a tarp to put beneath the blanket I had just bought that week for the concert, and a picnic in the rain isn't very much fun, we decided to forego the concert.  The sad thing is that we don't think that rain ever actually fell.  Oh, how I wished I had listened to Denise's advice.  (That's Michelle's sister.)  Just the day before, when I had told her about missing the concert at Gardens by the Bay, she had said, "You can't rely on Singapore weather.  It's going to rain every day.  You just have to put on your poncho, and do whatever you want to do!"  So, we are going to have to get ponchos, and go out, whether it be rain or shine!

The good news is that Rich got much further on our taxes, and we got some of our Salvation Army Art hung in our apartment.  Later, we did have time to use our hot tub, too, so it wasn't a total loss.  But I'll be ready next time!
These are the Old Singapore prints that I framed for the guest bedroom.  We need more "3M Command Hooks". 

My Chinese banner in the dining room...

...and my fan in the living room.


At March 27, 2013 at 10:03 AM , Blogger Unknown said...

Love the pink flamingo pillows, nice touch! :)


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