Sunday, March 24, 2013

Happy St. Patrick's Day!!!

Can you see his balloon shamrock hat?

His hat says "St. Patrick's Day - The Friendliest Day!"

A Singaporean waitress in Irish Flag makeup.  I had to have that tee shirt!

Rich, following the Green Shamrock Road...

We saw this snail on a building on our way home.  It was as big as my hand!

A Parade entry.
Sunday was St. Patrick's Day.  Rich and I putzed around in the morning, reading the newspaper, going to the pool, and listening to Irish music.  But the whole focus of the afternoon was on getting to "Boat Quay" for the Singapore St. Patrick's Day Parade.  As this was our first St. Patrick's Day in Singapore, we weren't sure what to expect.  There doesn't appear to be a large Irish contingent here.  We'd soon find out.

As we were preparing to leave for the parade, the skies opened up, as is typical in Singapore.  It was raining pretty heavily, and Rich wondered if we should go.  I told him we would!  Boat Quay is not too far from our apartment, but because it was hot, sticky, and raining, we took 2 buses to get there.

When we arrived, it appeared as if many other people had been procrastinating due to the weather, including many of the parade participants.  Rich said that it was not a problem, as few things in Singapore start on time.  As we headed to a viewing area, it was a strange sight to see Singaporeans in their kilts, playing bagpipes.

I asked a parade official what the parade route would be.  He showed me where it would go, and told me that it would end up in the pub area of "Boat Quay".  I dragged Rich in that direction.  He kept resisting me, until I told him that I had never seen him resist being led to drink a Guinness before.  Once he realized what I was doing, he followed happily.

Kids Jumping into the River Sculpture.

Rich, with Parade forming behind him, on the other side of the River.

Singaporean Bagpipe Band.

Bird Sculpture.

Rich, at front of Bird Sculpture, to give you an idea of its size.

2 Parade Participants in the pub.

The Singapore St. Patrick's Day Parade Founder.

A Parade Entry...

...and more Parade Participants.

We saw Bungee Swinging at Clarke Quay on our way home, after the Parade.
When we reached "Boat Quay", it felt as if we were on Western Avenue, awaiting the South Side Irish Parade.  However, there weren't as many people, there was no police presence, and all the drinking was being done in pubs. Rich and I each had a $10 Guinness.  A person came around the pub selling "Chips" in paper bags for $5.  At first we resisted, but we saw people at a nearby table enjoying their "Chips", and we gave in.  It turned out they were chips AND fish!  There were 3 little fish nuggets and tartar sauce with the chips.  Quite the bargain!   It was amazing to see all the people in their green.  The funniest sights were the obvious Singaporeans with their faces painted as the Irish flag.  I guess everybody's Irish on St. Paddy's Day, as everyone loves a party!

The parade was supposed to have 1200 participants, but I think there were less.  There was supposed to be a Down Syndrome Drum Group, but I didn't see them.  The rest of the parade reminded me of the early days of the South Side Irish Parade, when any family with an Irish name could get a group of people together and march or ride on a float.  I would venture to say a good time was had by all!  


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