Sunday, February 24, 2013

Going Back to Tiong Bahru Market

The Lion Drum Procession at Tiong Bahru Market, blessing many stalls.
After Rich went to work on Friday, I headed back to Tiong Bahru Market.  I had checked the bus information, and it was only 4 stops away.  Michelle Tan had told me that this would be the first time it would be open since CNY.  Rich had left cash for me, but not as much as I needed/wanted.  However, as I entered the market, I saw that there was a UOB ATM right by the entrance.  As I wasn't sure if I really needed money, I foolishly didn't get any at that time.

Once inside, I tried to get my bearings, based upon the last time, when I had gone with Michelle and Ben.  I needed to retrace the steps I had taken with her, so I could find her "uncle", the pork seller, her "uncle", the prawn man, and her "uncle", the vegetable man.  I found the vegetable man pretty easily.  I also found my friend, the Bali coffee man.  The prawn man wasn't there that day.  Darn!  Another week without beheading prawns!  There were many pork sellers, but I couldn't recognize Michelle's "uncle", and I couldn't get in contact with her.  Finally, after about half an hour, she picked up my call on the 3rd try.  Based upon her information, I'm pretty sure I went to the right pork seller.  I also bought eggs, salmon, and fruits, but don't know if I bought from reputable sellers.

Finally, I wanted to buy some plants for our deck.  This is what I wanted for our Valentine's Day flowers to each other.  To do this, I needed more cash.  Unfortunately, I was so busy retracing my steps with Michelle when I entered the market, I forgot to take notice of where I was entering.  There are literally exits everywhere!!!  After asking 3 ladies, I was able to find the UOB ATM again.  With cash in hand, I went to the plant seller I had decided to patronize.  He spoke very little English, but  he was able to communicate which plants could handle "much sun, much water", as they would get lots of both on my deck.  After I paid, he bagged my plants, and carried them outside, and helped me hail a cab.  No Hawker Stall Food for me that day, but next time, I'll make sure to eat before I buy plants.

By the time I returned home, I was dripping.  I was also scratched, had a splinter, and got locked out on my deck for a short period, when my door wouldn't open.  Scary stuff - especially with the sun beating down upon me, and I wasn't sure what to do, and who could help me!  But I calmed down, and the door opened eventually.  It was now pool time.  I hadn't done my water aerobics, yet, and it was a beautiful day.

I think this white flower is very interesting!

My $30 worth of plants from Tiong Bahru Market.
The pool was more crowded than usual, maybe because it was a Friday, a beautiful, sunny day, and later than normal for me.  I was a little self-concious doing my water aerobics, but it wasn't like I was doing anything unseemly!  So I did my routine, and sat out in the sun to read the fun part of the paper.  The night before, as we were waiting for our cab to arrive, I had met the "crazy security guard".  There was a man who had hit the "Taxi Call Bell", and nothing had happened, so he went to the guard station, to ask the guard to put the taxi light on.  The guard came over, and went into a 5-minute soliloquy on the bell not working sometimes.  When I asked Rich what she was saying, that's what he told me.  I said that took her a long time to say it, and he agreed.  On Friday, she stopped at my poolside lounge, to tell me how she comes to work at 7:15 to 7:30 AM, so she can be there with the small children as they get on the bus.  She isn't supposed to start until 8 AM, but she is so worried about the children getting hit by taxis, and there are no parents around, that she comes early, because she loves the little ones, and wants to keep them safe.  After she completed her circuit, she stopped by my chair again, told me the same story again, and also told me that all the walking that she does with this job has helped her lose 10 kilos.  She loves it, because it has "helped her to look more sexier".  Rich says that whenever she starts talking to me, I should tell her I have to make a call to my husband.  I think I'll wait to see if she says anything funny, and only use that excuse when she launches into the story the second time!    

Attending the Standard Chartered Chinese New Years Party

Upon arriving at the Customs House on Thursday evening, I realized that I would not bring shame upon my husband, and would not be responsible for bad luck coming to the financial community.  There were many women in black dresses!  Thank goodness!!!  I didn't want to be singled out as "The Bad Omen"!

Rain was threatening as we arrived, and in their haste to get us into the tent, both Rich and I got "spouse of the customer" wristbands.  Pretty funny!  We were met by an escort, who got us into the tent as quickly as possible.  Very shortly after we entered the tent, the skies opened up!  Workers were scrambling to get all of the closures secured.  Many people who came later either arrived wet, or endured long waits at bus or cab stands.

The theme of the evening was "A Reunion of Memories".  Inside the tent, there were Hawker Stalls that were the best at the time of the Founding of Singapore in 1965.  There was a famous female  entertainer, but I can't remember her name.  There was a Wizard walking around, giving out Gold Coins with chocolate inside.  There was a fortune teller, shoeshine boys, and a Chinese Calligrapher.

Rich went to get us some food, while I secured our table.  While I was waiting, I was approached by a very attractive woman, who asked if she could share our table.  I said, "Of course!", and am I glad I did!!  Her name is Juliana Noble, and she is originally from Brazil, but came to Singapore 5 years ago, after studying in Australia.  She works at Petrobras.  She was just delightful, and we shared stories of our journeys to get to Singapore.  She was also very knowledgable about the Best Hawker Stalls.

Rich brought back two things that looked like burritos, but had much different ingredients inside.  I know they start by spreading two types of sauce on the shell, and there is something crunchy (cabbage?), and slices of hard boiled eggs.  Rich had chili peppers in his, but none for me, because I am a spice baby.  Whatever was in them, they were quite tasty.  They also came with things that looked like mini muffins.  They set my mouth on fire!

It was then time for the Chinese New Year Traditions.  First they performed the Lion Dance.  This time, I made sure to take pictures, since the video was such a bust.  After that, they had the ceremonial tossing of the Yusheng, or Lo Hei, or Prosperity Salad.  It is a raw fish salad, in which every ingredient symbolizes some aspect of CNY Prosperity:
- Raw Fish symbolizes abundance and excess throughout the year,
- Lime is added to the fish, adding luck and auspicious value,
- Pepper dashed over, in the hope of attracting more money and valuables,
- Oil is poured out, circling the ingredients and encouraging money to flow in all directions,
- Carrots are added, indicating blessings of good luck,
- Shredded Green Radish symbolizes eternal youth,
- Shredded White Radish for prosperity in business and promotion at work,
At this point, the condiments were added:
- Peanut Crumbs are dusted on, symbolizing a household filled with gold and silver,
- Sesame Seeds for a flourishing business,
- Deep Fried Flour Crisps in the shape of Golden Pillows with wishes that literally the whole floor would be filled with gold.
After all the ingredients are assembled, with the wishes at each addition, the diners toss the mixture with chopsticks.  The height of the toss reflects the diner's growth in fortunes in the coming year, so people toss with gusto!*

The Lion Dance.  There are 2 men in that suit!

The downpour right after we arrived.

Juliana, getting her fortune told.

Juliana and Michele

The Marina Bay Sands.  The top looks like a ship on top of the 3 buildings.

Deb, with the Wizard.

Tossing the Lo Hei, or Yusheng, or Prosperity Salad.
Juliana told Rich about a beef noodle that is very tasty.  When Rich went to get some for the table, he ran into his coworker, Chung Kiat.  He joined us while I was photographing the Lo Hei.  He is a very kind, quiet gentleman.  He is also very knowledgeable about Hawker Stalls, and has promised to take Rich to the best ones near their office.

I saw a British couple in line to get the "burritos".  I was sure that Rich and I had met them before.  I accosted them as they left the line.  Their names are Nigel and Michele Spry, and he works for Cargill.  They didn't know me or Rich, or any of our friends in London, but they did know some of the Credit people who used to work with Rich at First Chicago/Bank One/Chase.  And they did know Juliana!  This is their 2nd time living in Singapore.  They've lived here 2 years now, after 13 years in Minnesota.  I joked that I had met them while visiting Rich's brother, Bob, and his family in Minnesota.  This was another fortuitous meeting.  We look forward to many more get-togethers with Juliana, Chung Kiat, Nigel and Michele!

With dinner over, it was time to visit some of the entertainers.  The men went to get their shoes shined, while the women went to get their fortunes told.  Apparently, what the fortune teller told Juliana and Michele was spot on.  Later, he told Rich's, and he nailed it!  For me, though, he was all wrong.  He has the person print their whole name, and then sign your signature.  Based upon that, he told me that I was a very good mother, but I don't allow my children to do things for themselves.  He also said that I'm very methodical, tending toward perfectionism.  Finally, he told me that I was too steeped in tradition, and needed to get outside the box, and try something new.  My new friends laughed, and asked if I told him that I had moved from Chicago to Singapore 3 weeks before.

We had some banners made in Chinese Calligraphy.  I asked for one about love, and he wrote "Love Everywhere".  I'm not quite sure how to take that!  We were beginning to turn into pumpkins, especially because Rich had to work the next day, so we headed home.  On our way out, we were given goody bags with 2 oranges, a $2 Snake coin, and a package with games from our childhood; marbles, a wind-up toy, a wooden spinning top, a glider, a paper ball, and capteh (a feather thing that you keep airborne with your feet or other parts of your body - but not your hands.)  It was a very nice end to a very nice evening!!    


Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Going Clothes Shopping - A Total BUST!!!

Wednesday was a beautiful with no workmen and no deliveries.  It was hot and humid, but that's Singapore.  All I had on my schedule were water aerobics and clothes shopping.  I gave my legs a really good workout in my self-produced water aerobics class, and they were happily throbbing as I headed out to shop.  I had checked the internet to see where curvier women should shop.  Trip Advisor said that there were several shops in the Orchard Shopping Area that would cater to larger sizes. I was in a great mood, and was tickled by the sign that says, "Push this button to make the green man appear."  I took the subway, and had to transfer to another line to get to my destination.  I noticed a woman with silver bows on her thumbnails, and she let me take a picture.

See the bottom section that says, "Press For Green Man" 

Can you tell that her thumbnail has a silver bow on it?
When I got off the subway at my destination, I noticed that I was at the store where Michelle had taken me shopping almost 2 weeks earlier.  I walked around the food court, looking for those good meatballs to which her son, Ollie, had introduced me, but was unable to find them.  I ended up at Subway, but I justified it by thinking that I had just taken the subway - and transferred - and I could only do so much "New Stuff" each day.  After I got my sandwich, I went to look for a place to sit down and eat it.  When you go to a food court in the States, there are restaurants all around the periphery, with general seating in the middle.  In this particular food court, each restaurant had its own seating area.  If you didn't purchase food from that vendor, you couldn't sit in their area.  In Subway's case, there was a shelf along the back wall where you could stand and eat your purchase.  My legs were not so happy about throbbing anymore!

After eating, I went on the hunt for clothes that would fit me.  Rich and I had been invited to a Chinese New Year's Function on Thursday evening, and the only dress that I had brought with me that seemed appropriate was black and white.  As I mentioned earlier, wearing black to a Chinese New Year's Function will bring bad luck.  I NEEDED to find something else - and fast!

This is where my nightmare began!  Singaporean malls are very confusing!!!  They don't have the walls and doorways between shops to which I am accustomed.  Also, looking at the map, it seemed as if the stores were pretty geographically close, and it would be easy to go from one to another.  That was not the case!  It was like there was a big, main store in each building, with an escalator that went through it, and other stores on the circular area to and from the escalators.  At one point, I couldn't figure out how to get out of the building.  I could see daylight, but I didn't know how to get there.  I saw an escalator that led to a theater, and, it seemed, to the outside.  Unfortunately, you couldn't get outside from there, but they did have seating to look out the windows.  So I sat down, gave my legs a break, and plotted my next move.

I finally figured out how to get outside, and headed in the direction of one of Singapore's big department stores.  I stopped a man to ask if I was headed in the right direction, and he said that I was, but it was on the other side of the street.  I had realized earlier that if you had to cross the street, you had to go down to an underpass.  Singapore loves its underpasses and overpasses; and drivers have no patience for pedestrians.  Forget about pedestrians having the right of way.  They'd just as soon run you down!

Anyway, I went into and out of stores, asking if they had clothes that would fit me.  They would either direct me to another store that had more "give" in its sizes, or pull out a shapeless blob to show me!  One dress that a saleswoman showed me actually looked like a potato sack with a head and arms holes cut out; same color and everything!  Now, as my friend, Julie, would say, "I'm no Slenderella," but I thought I could find something!  You know how you always pack and say, "Well if I forget something, I can always go buy it there.  It's not like I'm going to a third world country!"  I found out Singapore is a third world country for clothes for me.  I couldn't even console myself by shopping for shoes, as shoes don't come in my size, either!

Luckily, I will be returning home in May to be with our college students.  Before I left, I checked Trip Advisor to check on what types of clothes to bring with me.  I discarded many items because of their fabric type, or lack of sleeves, or showing too much cleavage.  I also didn't bring my FitFlops, because they said that flip flops were frowned upon.  FitFlops are everywhere here - and at a premium price!  The one pair of flip flops that I brought along are quickly wearing out, and I don't know where I'll be able to find replacements.  Anyway, I'll be much better prepared when I return in September.  January in Chicago is not the best place or time to find clothes for hot and humid weather.  But May in Chicago will be...  Until then, the Singaporeans are just going to take me the way I am!  

We're Ready to Entertain!

Tuesday was the BIG day that our dining table and 6 chairs would arrive between 2 and 4 PM.  Before it came, I needed to do some cleaning, move some things around, and do my version of water aerobics.  As I was washing dishes (by hand - no dishwasher), the phone rang.  The complex manager was going to bring up the deck man to look at our hot tub deck in about 15 minutes.  I had a bunch of recycling to take down to the B1 level, but wasn't sure if I had time, so I just continued washing dishes.  I would have had time, as they didn't show up for at least 1/2 hour.

The deck man said that the deck had been previously redone.  That's why we can see a layer of rotting wood under the top layer of wood.  He sees where there is a bit of springiness in a 2-3 foot section; right near the steps to enter the hot tub.  However, they are still very supportive, and if we feel as if they are getting worse, we should call right away.  So I'll keep my cellphone nearby when I enter the hot tub, so that when I fall through the deck, I can call for help!  The complex manager said that she would bring the hot tub contractor up at 3 PM.  I said that would be perfect, as I was waiting for my new table to be delivered at that time.

At 3:45 PM, the dining room table and chairs arrived. It took 2 men to bring it in.  I don't have any door stops, so I had to stand in the kitchen and hold the door to the apartment open.  It was funny, because one man was in charge, and the other was "boy".  The man in charge took my check for the balance.  He told me there was no rush to write the check, because "boy" still had to bring up 6 chairs.  When "boy" brought up the chairs, the man unwrapped them and brought them into the apartment.  The man was also in charge of all paperwork.  I would HATE to work in that team - especially if I was "boy".

I have pictures of the new table.  Rich has asked every day if I had put the pictures of the new table onto the blog.  I guess he LOVES his new table.  He says that he will pay to get this shipped back home when we leave.  (He better check shipping prices first!)  Anyway, now we are thisclose to being ready to entertain guests.  I am going to buy some white wine and some Bailey's, check on Ben and Michelle's food preferences and availability, and try to begin to repay them for all of their kindness.  I think their boys could have great fun in the pool here, too.

The complex manager and the hot tub man showed up just as the furniture man and "boy" were leaving.  The hot tub man said that the jacuzzi had its fiberglass previously resealed.  The places where we thought it was cracked were actually where it had been resealed.  The discoloration was because the sealant couldn't match the previous color.  He also pointed out that a crane would have to be used to remove the old hot tub and install a new hot tub on our 10th floor deck.  He told me that the controls wouldn't work during the hour that the water gets revitalized each day.  I wasn't aware that this occurred.  He checked the control panel, and it happens between 10 and 11 AM each day.  That is when the sun shines on my deck, and the workers will definitely be working on the Holiday Inn being built across the street - unless it's pouring, so I don't want to use the hot tub at that time!  Anyway, another waste of time.  Why is it that every time that the complex manager shows up, it's a waste of my time?

The good news was that it was only 4:30 PM, and Rich had a dinner again that evening.  I went over to the furniture mall to do some more exploring.  Both times I had gone previously, I had noticed an embroidering stand right near the entrance.  They said they might be able to embroider my new robes that Rich had gotten me to replace the one that was lost at the hotel.  When I brought my white waffle and white terry cloth robes to her, she said she could embroider both, and have them done in about 1/2 hour!  Yeah, yeah, yeah!

The Table.  Can you see the grain?

The Table and Rich-sized chairs.

The Table with a runner, candles, lucky bamboo, napkins, and pads on the chairs.

My waffle and terry robes with the "D Crown".
While I waited, I checked out some shops.  The $2 store was much smaller than the one Michelle had taken me to, but still very fun.  The Body Shop type store was also very fun.  The clothing stores were not fun, though.  I couldn't find anything to fit.  Oh well, I was planning on a major clothing expedition on Wednesday!

Installing Fiber Network

My plan for Monday was to head back to IKEA.  Rich and I had made a list of several things that we needed.  However, I awoke to an email from Michelle, reminding me that the people were coming to install our fiber cable between 11 AM and 1 PM.  So, I headed to the pool for water aerobics, came back and worked on my blog, and waited.

The workers showed up at 12:15 PM.  They had a cart in tow, filled with wires, cables, and conduit.  This was more than I expected.  They spoke very quickly in Singaporean English, and I had a hard time understanding them.  I finally realized that they were looking in the hallway for an access area to connect to the existing wiring.  I called the complex manager for a consultation.  You can see where a panel had been cut into the ceiling previously, but it is on the other side of the elevators from our apartment.  The manager told them to just cut right near our door to make the connection.  The workers don't cut into the ceiling.  Someone from the building has to do that.  The building workers were not answering their phones.  It was lunchtime.  So we have to reschedule the fiber installation after the access into the ceiling has been cut.  Yeah!

I then headed to the bus to take me to IKEA.  Rich's secretary had gotten him a transit pass, which I had taken, and it makes my life much easier!  The most important thing on my list is an ironing board.  I asked Michelle if people here take their shirts to the cleaners, or if they do them themselves.  She said both.  Many people have full or part-time help.  The help would do the laundering and ironing.  Otherwise, people do take things to the cleaners.  Unfortunately, we had not found any cleaners yet.  Some of Rich's shirts are no-iron, and look okay after coming out of the dryer - especially in this heat and humidity.  Others need to be starched and ironed, or he will look more like a homeless man than a managing director.  So I got the ironing board, a drying rack, some other items, and taxied home.

The furniture mall near our apartment had an appliance store on the top level where I could buy an iron.  Rich had a dinner engagement that evening, so I wouldn't need to prepare dinner or expect him home anytime soon.  I headed back to the mall, to discover it at my leisure.  I bought the iron and wandered around.  There's a Starbucks in the mall, a Shakey's Pizza, and a McDonald's, among other types of local food.  This is my 3rd week in Singapore.  According to my friend, Susan, no matter how much you are looking forward to going somewhere, during the 3rd week you'll get a bout of homesickness.  I decided to stave that off by having a burger at McDonald's.  It tasted good, too, except that it had more catsup on it than I had ever seen!  When I worked at McDonald's, they had squirters that put the exact amount of catsup and mustard onto the burgers.  Maybe Singaporeans like more catsup, so they've had to adjust the squirters to accommodate their tastes.

I saw many people leaving the mall with grocery bags, so I decided to investigate.  There's a HUGE Japanese grocery store in the basement!  It has Kobe beef steaks, sushi, fish, tofu, etc.  I didn't need a lot right now, especially since this is a week full of dinner engagements for Rich.  I did find starch, though.  And then I found the cleaners!  I also found a new place to buy wine, so I'll always be able to find some wine at $20 per bottle, rather than having to pay $35 per bottle.  There's also a $2 store on that level, and a store like The Body Shop.  Unfortunately, my hands were full of irons, starch, and wine.  I'd have to do more investigating another day.

Getting Furniture

On Sunday, our focus was on getting furniture.  This surprised me because Rich had told me that the wife of the head of his firm is an interior decorator.  She is very busy right now, but if we could be patient, we could find the kind of dining table and bed frame that we wanted, and she could find a carpenter to make them for us.  But apparently, Rich had found what he wanted when he went to the furniture mall on Saturday.

Hobgoblin beer.

Badger Brewery's "Fursty Ferret" Beer.

View from our deck: white building in the background is the furniture mall.
The furniture mall is within close walking distance of our apartment.  I've taken a picture from our deck, so you can see how close it is.  It's on the other side of the river just past the construction for a new subway station.  The subway station is supposed to open in 2017.  We'll see if we're still here when it opens.

When we got to the mall, he showed me where some of the furniture stores were located, but he headed directly to one called "Frangipani".  There, he showed me the bed frames he liked and the dining table he liked.  I'm sure that those of you who know Rich would be surprised that he has such strong opinions!  We had already discussed the bed frames.  It's kind of a dark stained teak version of our metal bed frame at home.  We chose the frame with the lower headboard, because our bedroom is a loft, overlooking the living room.  The taller headboard wouldn't look good behind the wood and metal railing.

The dining table was a surprise, though.  Rich came to our marriage with a polished cherry dining table, 6 chairs, and a china hutch.   The table that he liked was made from refurbished teak.  It was a big rectangle of wood with lots of texture on the surface.  The legs look like 4 x 4"s, but they're really "L shaped".  It is SO different from what we have at home.  It made me realize that this was the first time in our over 30 years of marriage that we've picked out a dining table together.  All of our kitchen tables have been hand-me-downs, or resale finds.  This table does look worthy of two members of The Wisconsin Woodland Owners Association, though.  We then chose the chairs that were most comfortable for his tall frame.

The table and chairs could be delivered to our apartment on Tuesday.  The bed frame has to be made, however.  Our sleep number mattress, which is on the floor of our bedroom, is a California King.  That is not a normal bed size in Singapore!  It will take approximately 2 months to get it.

When we completed our order, we headed out into the mall, to a store called "The Thirsty Shop".  It sells imported beers from all over the world.  As you can tell, Rich had this mall completely scoped out!  Rich likes stouts and porters, and doesn't like wheat beers or pale ales, so he chose a dozen beers to taste, and see which he likes the best.  There's a Badger brewery in England, which will definitely get a lot of his attention.  (I swear, their beer can taste awful, and he'll still buy it for the name!)  The beers were pretty pricey, but since Rich can only drink 2 beers per day, he wants them to be quality beer.  Also, He justified the purchase because the cost would be the same as drinking "Tiger"beer at a pub or restaurant.

With our missions accomplished, we headed back to our apartment.  Time for lunch, and a dip in the pool!

Monday, February 18, 2013

Eating at the Wine Bar

I tried to post a video of the Lion Dance Performance that was held at our apartment complex, but the server wouldn't accept the video.  I'll try to put it on facebook.  It's about 20 minutes long, but quite interesting, especially if you hadn't seen it before, as I hadn't.  It would be better with a better videographer, but I'm the only one we've got!

Rich and I went to dinner at the Wine Bar that I discovered when I was lost on Friday.  I've come to the realization that I will never lose weight while I'm in Singapore, because I LOVE Italian food, and can sniff it out in any country!  We started with their version of Caprese Salad; slices of tomatoes and buffalo mozzarella, served on greens, and drizzled with basil pesto.  It was very good, and easily large enough to be shared by 2 people.  I had lasagna, which was good, but not nearly as good as my favorite Italian restaurant back home.  Rich's fettuccine with 2 types of salmon was lacking some spices in the sauce.

My lasagna, and a glimpse of Rich's fettuccine.

A fountain in the courtyard, of which we were totally unaware!
When I pointed out that it was Singapore's #1 Wine Bar, according to some Singaporean magazine, Rich informed me that a magazine had contacted him to ask if he wanted to advertise as Singapore's #1 Futures Trading Firm.  I guess I'm just too used to places being voted or ranked as #1.  Still, it was good, and we will go back there.

Exploring Older Singapore

On Saturday, Rich and I took a bus to one of the older areas of Singapore.  These buildings were mostly 2-stories, with a shop of some kind on the lower level.  Many of the shops had displays in Chinese only.  There were small grocery shops, prepared foods from many nationalities, hardware stores, lighting shops, car repair shops, and builders.  Unfortunately, many of the corner bars where the guide books said "you should have a drink and watch the world go by" were not open yet.  We did see many tourists racing off to their buses with their suitcases in tow.  Later, Rich asked me if I had noticed all the women dressed in short skirts and heels, hanging out in doorways.  I had!

On our way home, we jumped off the bus at Haji Lane, or Arab Street.  There were many quaint boutiques and cute cafes, but, again, the cafes wouldn't open 'til later in the evening.  It was still fun to walk around, and I did buy a nice necklace.

When we returned home, I figured how the baking feature of our microwave works.  I cooked a 7 inch fresh vegetarian pizza that I had found at the grocery store.  Finally, they had something besides pepperoni or Hawaiian pizza!  I think I may be the only American in the world who does not like pepperoni.  Oh, well.

They had this light-up mannequin with artwork in one of the boutiques.

A "Lion Drum Performance" that we passed in Old Singapore.

I loved this Golden Bird Sculpture as we headed to Haji Lane.

A store sign outside one of the boutiques.

Love this hot pink bicycle with the leopard seat!

This is the head of the snake lantern from Chinatown.

We had to check out the Flamingo Shop!

More Chinese lanterns in Chinatown, as viewed from the bus.

We have these flowers outside our apartment complex.
After lunch, Rich headed to a mall that is very near our apartment that is supposed to have lots of furniture stores.  My recent trips to Singaporean furniture stores made me hesitant to accompany him.  Plus, I wanted to go for a swim, and wait for the "Lion Drum Dance Performance" to come to our apartment complex.  My swim was rained out, but Rich had a very successful shopping expedition, and I did get to see the "Lion Drum Dance Performance".

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Getting Lost in My Backyard

Every day that the weather permits, I have planned to take advantage of the pool in my yard by doing my version of water aerobics.  I had done water aerobics for years at home, and should be able to remember some of the exercises.  I would do it earlier in the day, before the kids got home from school, and commandeered the pool.  I got to do it Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday of this week.  So far, so good.

Rich had ordered a new spa robe for me, to replace the one lost at the hotel.  It was scheduled to be delivered between 2 and 4 PM.  I left the pool to take my shower and eat my lunch.  Luckily, I smelled someone's lunch smells wafting down to me as I made my way back to my apartment, and I decided to eat first.  As I was preparing my lunch, the delivery man showed up - and it was just after noon.  I guess delivery times are not FIRM in Singapore.  Glad I didn't opt for my shower first!

Due to the early delivery, I opted to forego my shower until after I went to the grocery store.  It was pretty humid out, and I was certain I would get sweaty on my walk to the store and back.  As I headed out, I heard drums beating.  I crossed the bridge I usually cross to get to the store, and followed the drumbeats.  They led me to a parking garage down the road, where it appeared that a practice was just being completed.  I had my camera out, so that I could take pictures, but I was too late.  I continued up the road, turning where I thought the grocery store should be.  I saw new restaurants in my neighborhood that I didn't know were there - including a wine bar!  I was a bit befuddled when the grocery store didn't appear, and it took me a minute or two to recognize my surroundings, but I made it to the grocery store at last.

My excitement for the day wasn't over yet, though.  After collecting my groceries, and proceeding to the checkout, I realized midway through the checkout that I didn't have any way to pay for my groceries.  I may have mentioned that black is a bad luck color at Chinese New Year's Celebrations.  So, I took my big red purse to visit Michelle and her family on Tuesday, and had taken all of my important items out of my small black wristlet.  The wristlet is what I took with me to the store.  I had about $50, not nearly enough for my $150 in groceries.  I asked the cashier to stop the transaction, so I could go home and get my debit card.  Because there were many perishables in my cart, she asked how long it would be before my return.  I told her it should take 10 minutes at the most.  I ran home, got my debit card, and ran back.  I was really glad I hadn't taken a shower beforehand, because I definitely needed one afterward.

Since we had eaten out on Thursday evening, I decided to make dinner at home on Friday.  I had some minced chicken and minced pork that were past their "sell by dates".  I decided to try to see if I had learned any cooking techniques from Michelle, and her dad, George.  I sauteed some carrots, scallions, mushrooms, and garlic, then added the minced meats.  When they were no longer pink, I added some chicken broth.  Meanwhile, I prepared some jasmine rice in a rice cooker that Michelle had given to me.  As a precaution, I also prepared some frozen shrimp wantons with sesame sauce, if the meat tasted nasty.  I was very pleased with the results,  and Rich inhaled it!

Valentine's Day in Singapore

Valentine's Day started with a face time chat with Erin.  She was VERY excited because she has an interview scheduled with the Miami Dolphins.  They are definitely not her favorite football team, and it would take her further south, rather than north, but a job would be great!  So please keep her in your prayers.

My plan for Valentine's Day was to go out and about, and see how the Singaporeans celebrate.  I was sure it was not as elaborate as it is in the U.S., especially since it was falling during the Chinese New Year Celebration.  However, my plans were foiled by a steady downfall that continued through most of the day.  Also, I had an appointment scheduled with our complex manager, to check on some of the glitches in our apartment.  There was a brief respite from the rain during her visit, but, by the time we finished checking on the hot tub, I was literally dripping from the humidity in the air.  I am a "Hall"!

Due to the weather, Rich and I weren't able to go out and buy each other Valentine presents, as we had planned.  He also had an awful time getting home after work, for our "date", because taxis were in extreme demand.  It took 3 phone calls before a cab actually showed up to bring him home.  He had wanted to stop somewhere to get flowers, but I told him that flowers were very high-priced at this time, due to Chinese New Year, followed by Valentine's Day so closely.  Plus, I would rather get potted plants for out deck.  The market, to which Michelle had taken me, had a wide assortment.  My plan was to wait for it to reopen on Feb. 22nd.

We tried to get a reservation at the pizza restaurant that's very close to our apartment, and had been given very good reviews.  Our plans were foiled again, because the available reservations were at 6:30 or 9:30 PM.  On a good day, Rich isn't likely to get home by 6:30.  On a rainy day, it's nearly impossible.  And waiting 'til 9:30 would make for a very grouchy Rich, and that is not who I wanted to spend Valentine's Day with.  So, we opted for carryout pizza.  When we got there to pick up our pizza, there were many "Reserved" tables, with nobody sitting at them.  I don't know if people were late due to the weather, or if they were just no-shows.  When Rich asked about it at work the next day, his coworkers said, "That's Singapore!"

Getting Back to "Normal"?

On Wednesday, Rich returned to a normal day of work.  The Chinese Markets were still closed, but the European and American Markets were open.  He had a luncheon date that day with the head of the Futures Industry Association in Singapore; a man who hails from our hometown, and owns a house, which he rents out, in Mill Creek.  Small World!

Because we now have our Identification Cards, and Chinese New Year Celebration was mostly over, he was able to go get our mobile phones.  I had just gotten an iPhone 5 in November, and just got somewhat proficient at using it.  Now I will have to learn to use the Samsung Galaxy S III.  The learning just never ends.  That's what keeps you young, right?

Rich got our phones from a store located in our former hotel building.  When we moved to our apartment, my white waffle robe didn't make the trip with us.  My robe was just like the hotel robe, except for a gold monogrammed "Q".  Rich checked to see if it was in lost and found at the hotel, but no luck.  I'm sure it got mixed in with the hotel robes, and the "Q" on it won't be discovered for awhile.  Anyway, that was one of only 2 casualties of our journey to our new home.  A black plastic plate from home arrived cracked.  I think that's pretty good considering that we had 9 duffle bags and 2 carry-ons coming over!

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

An - Almost - Perfect Day!

Tuesday, I awoke to a call from Erin, to tell me that Marquette was playing Georgetown on ESPN.  I tried to find it on TV, and on my computer, to no avail.  I had subscribed to ESPN when we set up our TV, but it turned out to be Fox Sports and Fox Sports News.  Americans know that it is not the same thing!!!  And it's not an upgrade!!!  Anyway, I went to ESPN radio online, and listened to the game until about 3 minutes were left, and Homer said it didn't appear that Marquette would not have a miracle finish this time.
Rich had to make a brief appearance in the office to hand out "Hong Bao" - or red envelopes.  The head of the firm's son, Ken, lives in our complex, and gave Rich a ride to the office and back home.  I took advantage of the beautiful weather by going for a swim.  Since many people still did not have to go back to work, and many schools were still closed, the pool area was packed with families.  It was a good way to take my mind off of MU's loss.

Bertha, and her childhood friends, Sylvia and Joseph.

Ben's parents, Mae and Tony, and Ollie.

I would have to say the star of the day was Michelle's dad, George.  George loves to cook, and kept bringing out new dishes from the kitchen.  He made rice dishes, spicy noodle dishes, curry, crispy pork, mushrooms, coconut jelly, etc.  He kept telling us that certain dishes had to be tried for luck in the coming year.  He has promised to give me Chinese cooking lessons.  I can't wait!

There were also canisters upon canisters of Chinese desserts.  I've made and shared cookies at Christmastime, but nothing like this.  There were tiny butter cookies with pineapple filling, tiny cupcakes with sprinkles, cake slices made up of 20 layers of cake and filling, meringues, etc.  Everything I tried was so good, but I couldn't possibly try them all!  We forced ourselves to leave after about 4 1/2 hours.  I don't think I could have eaten or drunk another thing.

Rich, dining poolside.

Max and Alex in their Chinese New Year's garb.
Of course, a few hours later, we did eat again.  After our feast in the afternoon, we used the sandwich maker that Michelle had given to us, to have sandwiches for dinner.  On our first evening in our apartment, we had passed a woman and her parents eating at the poolside, as we had headed out to a restaurant.  It seemed so tranquil and pretty, I had wanted to eat at poolside ever since.  But, there had been very few chances to realize that dream.  On most days, the daily downpour would start right before dinnertime, and if it didn't last through dinner, it had made the seats too wet to sit outside.  But on this day, the daily downpour had happened at noon, so dinner at the poolside was a reality, at last!

The 2nd Day of the New Year

Because New Year's Day had fallen on a Sunday, the vast majority of workers had Monday off also.  However, many stores had returned to normal hours by Monday.  Rich and I grabbed our wheely cart and headed to our local "Cold Storage" grocery store.  We grabbed some staples for the coming week, and some wine, and headed home.  "Cold Storage" has a promotion going on now, whereby you get a stamp for every $10 you spend.  When you complete a sheet of 20 stamps, you can buy certain items at a discounted price.  One of the items is an electric grill, which we desperately want.  Our microwave says it has a grill feature, but I fear that the meat will come out being the consistency of rubber.  Anyway, I've looked for the grill every time I've gone grocery shopping, to no avail.  Monday, when we shopped, they had gotten new shipments of every other promotional item - except the grill.

Rich, accessing the gate to our apartment.

Rich, under CNY decorations in the mall.  There was a pop-up store, selling linens,  in this area the previous week.

The walkway along the river.

Coming into the complex, by the pool.
There is a larger "Cold Storage" in a larger mall a little farther from our apartment.  Michelle had driven me there, and Rich and I had taken a taxi there, but, on Monday, we decided to try to walk there.  Monday afternoon was very warm and humid, as is usual, but it was a long pleasant walk along the river, mostly in shade, to the "Great World City Mall".  There were several things we were looking for besides the grill, too.  Unfortunately, the grill was not in stock there, either, and only about 1/3 of the shops in the mall were open, due to the holiday.  Our trip was not a complete bust, as we were able to get some needed items from the hardware store.  We also had "a good stretch of the legs", as the Quiet Man would say.  A dip in the pool would have been a nice way to end the outing, but we got home just in time for the "daily downpour".  Oh well - naptime instead!

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Happy Chinese/Lunar New Year

Chinese New Year is a VERY big celebration in Singapore!  Coming from Chicago, I was used to seeing the pictures of the parade in Chinatown every year, but it never really affected my life.  In Singapore, I realized that it's like American Thanksgiving and Christmas rolled into one holiday!  When you walked into a mall, there were pop-up shops in the center, selling sheets, towels, rugs, etc., because people needed new linens to bring into the New Year.  In every store, there were CNY specials, which worked well for us, as our TV was CNY specially priced.

On New Year's Eve, families have a reunion dinner.  Some families have the dinner at home, and some have them at restaurants.  Some restaurants are completely booked, while others close, so that the workers can spend time with their families.  Rich's boss took us to dinner the day before New Year's Eve.  His secretary initially made a reservation at a Chinese restaurant.  The only seating time was 6 PM.  That meant that we would have to be finished by 8 PM, as there would be another party at that time.  He opted for a very nice Italian restaurant 8 minutes walk from our apartment instead.  They served an appetizer of parmesan cheese, prosciutto, marinated sun dried tomatoes, and strawberry salad with balsamic dressing for the table to share.  Rich had salmon, Kathi had tuna, and I had chestnut tortellini.  It was delicious!

Both Michelle and Kathi would host reunion dinners on New Year's Eve.  Kathi's would have 15 family members at a restaurant.  Michelle would have at least 15 at her home.  There were certain dishes they needed to have because they were a family tradition.  Other dishes needed to be served because they were supposed to bring luck.  Michelle's dad insisted on serving shark fin soup for luck.  Michelle's brother feels that it's not environmentally sound to have that soup.  It's kind of like serving turkey or tofurkey for Thanksgiving.

Certain flowers bring luck.  Many building entrances were graced with small orange trees.  The orange, or gold, color of the fruit would bring prosperity.  Cherry blossoms, pussy willows, and red, pink, orange, and yellow flowers would bring luck.  Michelle warned me not to wear black or silver if we were invited to Rich's boss's home.  Black and silver are the color of mourning.  I should wear red, pink, orange, and gold.

I decorated our door for Chinese New Year.  Through New Year's Eve, the saying should be upside down.  That would help to spill out all of the bad luck from last year.  On New Year's Day, you should turn it right side up, to catch all the good luck that you can.  You should also abstain from cleaning or sweeping on New Year's Day, as you might clean or sweep out the good luck.

People also give gifts at the time of Chinese New Year.  It is tradition to bring 2 New Year's oranges to people's homes.  The "golden color" symbolizes prosperity.  Michelle says you shouldn't eat those oranges, because you don't know how many times they've been passed around for "tradition".  People also give "red envelopes".  Michelle advised Rich to give an envelope to each of his single employees.  It would be a good omen for the new Managing Director to bring prosperity to the firm.  The envelope should contain a sum ending in 8, as 8 is a "lucky number".

The lion, decorated for CNY, in front of our hotel. 
KFC's Chinese New Year's Ad on the side of a bus stop.

Rich, with the snake lanterns, on the way into Chinatown.

Our apartment door, with the sign trying to "catch prosperity".
This was very enlightening for me to learn.  Hope you find it so, too.  Best wishes for a Happy, Healthy, Prosperous New Year!  Enjoy the Year of the Snake.

What a Difference a Week Makes!

At this time last week, we were running all over town, trying to find furniture, cell phones, and basic household necessities - all without our Identification Cards.  And we still had to unpack the 9 duffle bags we brought with us, as well as setting up the bed, and unpacking the things we bought after we arrived.  Now we have a couch, tables, chairs, and a  pretty well-stocked kitchen.  And, this morning, we went to the Ministry of Manpower, (does that sound more like "1984" or "Harry Potter"?), and got our Identification Cards.  We still don't have our cell phones, but we're waiting 'til the Chinese New Year celebrations are over to get those.

After getting our ID Cards, we were able to relax, and take advantage of our apartment's facilities.  The main pool is kind of like an "8", with seating around each circle.  In the middle, it winds between buildings, so that you view it from the workout room.  In the picture, you'll see the workout room on the right.  Then it has a more shallow pool, in which there was a dad and his baby swimming when we were there.  Finally there is a fountain, or sprayground type of pool.  There's also a clubhouse, that still needs to be explored.  There are several barbecue areas, that can hold up to 30 people, and can be reserved with a $10 deposit.  If anyone ever comes to visit us, we could reserve it.

The workout room is on the right of the tunnel.
The "sprayground" and children's pool

Seating around the pool

Rich, soaking up the atmospere.

The other side of the tunnel.
Rich, in front of The Ministry of Manpower (MOM)
The pool area was very busy when we went, because many people have at least a 3-day weekend due to Chinese New Year.  It was a welcome reprieve after the past few hectic weeks.  We left after several hours, and got back to our apartment just in time to see the "daily downpour".  It was lovely while it lasted!

Friday, February 8, 2013

More Fresh Market

Ben and Michelle needed some fish for their Family New Year's Eve Feast.  They stopped at their 2 favorite fish stalls.  At one stall,  they sell fish in balls and cakes and wrapped in bean curd.  There was a man making the fish balls, and Michelle advised me to take his picture, as that is not something you get to see very often.  I also took a picture of Ben.  He has been so helpful to us, and I haven't gotten his picture yet.

The man making fish balls.

Ben, at their favorite fish stall.
Choosing live fish.